Tank Spill – Fit To Service
June 17, 2019
COGCC Flowline Registration
August 14, 2019

The Problem

A client needed procedures and forms for running ILI tools and interacting with pig vendors. They also needed qualified staff to complete the work and maintain compliance per OCC, TRRC and PHMSA.

Approach and Solution

Using Integrity EPC’s highly qualified staff and drawing from multiple past deliverables, Integrity EPC delivered to the client a set of ILI procedures and provided vendor profiles which could be used for multiple ILI vendors.


Integrity EPC developed a comprehensive, turn-key in-house procedure to execute the data management aspect of the in-line inspection operations. Below is what was included in the procedures:

  • ILI technology checklist (including tool specifications, POD/POI)
  • ILI personal certification checklist
  • ILI safety checklist
  • Flow/pressure checklist
  • Operational checklist
  • Data quality report checklist
  • Preliminary report checklist
  • Final report checklist
  • ILI data audit
  • Tool validation report checklist
  • Immediate anomaly analysis
  • Checklist for data handling
  • Perform growth analysis template to determine maximum time to reinspection (if applicable)

Integrity EPC developed a comprehensive ILI profile to deliver to two ILI vendors. The vendor profile provided included:

  • Purpose/scope
  • Tool requirements (including tool specification)
  • Responsibilities
  • Terms and definitions
  • Hazards
  • Data analysis parameters
  • Timelines
  • Requirements for ILI data quality analysis
  • Requirements for preliminary reports
  • Requirements for final reports
  • Requirements for follow-up analysis
  • Requirements for communications
  • Compliance requirements including personnel certification

Results Integrity EPC was able to provide a client with detailed procedures that were necessary for running their ILI tools and staying compliant per OCC, TRRC and PHSMA. Integrity EPC also provided a valuable frame work allowing the client to establish a solid, yet quick and streamlined business relationship with ILI tool vendors.

 [DP1]We haven’t done this part yet.

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