COGCC Flowline Registration
August 14, 2019
O&M Manual And DOT Field Survey
September 4, 2019
The Problem
Client was out of compliance regarding state and federal requirements related to their Mechanical Integrity program, and external inspection intervals. The Client acquired assets from another organization who had previously cut the MI budget due to the prior decline in oil prices. The previous asset owners, although operating on a limited budget, still maintained central engineering who oversaw the integrity of their assets. Following the acquisition, the Client did not maintain central engineering and further reduced the MI budget which resulted in asset compliance discrepancies
Approach & Solution
Integrity EPC has resources with extensive experience in MI program implementation, management, field inspection execution, data collection and entry.
Integrity EPC performed inspections to satisfy interval based regulatory obligations. To ensure success the client was supplied with senior field and office personnel that met and exceeded project requirements including cost and schedule restraints.A two-man team consisting of an API 510, and UT Technician performed interval based regulatory required inspections. Following field execution, formal reports were created based on the clients preferred format to document the compliance inspection and its discovery items.   
The inspections performed assessed the condition and integrity of well site pressure vessels and brought the assets into compliance with state and federal regulations. In addition to satisfying regulatory requirements, the inspection efforts that were executed also identified source shop fabrication and documentation errors. Identification of these errors aided the Client in developing a vendor surveillance program that optimized the costs and quality associated with pressure vessel procurement. Client is very satisfied with Integrity EPC deliverables and continues to utilize our resources for their ongoing projects. 

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