Pipeline Integrity Engineer Training
November 5, 2019
On Demand ILI Engineering Support
December 10, 2019

Task 1 – Mechanical Integrity TML/CML Nomination 

CML assignment needed be determined according to the rate and method of anticipated damage. Integrity EPC (IEPC) utilized their internal procedure/formula to calculate the percentage of components recommended for CML placement. Our formula takes anticipated damage and failure modes, estimated corrosion rates, and process hazards identified during the risk assessment to determine coverage requirements. Once CML requirements were identified, input from field efforts were accounted for to optimize future inspection costs. Custom equipment templates with unique identifiers for each CML were generated. Baseline UT data was collected in these custom templates and imported into the inspection data management solution platform.

Task 2 – MI Field Implementation
IEPC resources verified as-builts, sketched piping/equipment, and performed field inspections to collect baseline data.

Task 3 – Inspection Isometric Drawing Creation with CML’s Identified
To ensure accurate and consistency, data is collected per OSHA PSM, and API standards, each asset requiring regulatory inspections have as-built inspection isometric drawings sketched in the field. Incorporating industry standardized inspection isometric drawings into the program will ensure accurate data, and simplistic management of future inspection efforts. The drawings created in this task were utilized for all future inspection efforts and were directly tied to the inspection data management solution. Deviating from the industry norm would require customized training of each Inspector, and a higher level of program, and data management.

Task 4 – Final Reporting/Onsite Presentation
IEPC resources prepared a final report and hosted a final project closure meeting. The final report and closure meeting identified what was accomplished, how risks were mitigated and what was recommended moving forward in a 5-year look ahead schedule.

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